More News About The Mysterious Maya Disappearance From Belize


Reports published in National Geographic News, Archaeology magazine and other sources, describe how teams of researchers have been diving into and working around cenotes, or deep sinkholes that the ancient Maya thought to be gateways to Xabalba, the sacred underworld throughout Belize. While recording and amassing a rich collection of fossils and artefacts at Cara Blanca, a team from the University of Illinois discovered a water temple complex where Maya pilgrims offered sacrifices to Chaak and other deities.

Maya Mystery Solved in Belize?

A group of researchers from Rice and Louisiana State Universities working in Great Blue Hole area believe they now have the answer of why the Mayan civilisation suddenly cease to exist. After analysing sediment samples from that beautiful, massive sinkhole popularised by Jacques Cousteau and located along Belize’s Great Barrier Reef, they’ve concluded that a hundred year drought put an end to this flourishing society.