Belize Romantic Vacations Specialist!

Did you know that Chaa Creek actually has a Romantic Adventures Specialist?

Meet Ms. Denise Duran, who with her team of hopeless romantics has been looking after weddings, honeymoons, second honeymoons and all things pertaining to love for some years now.

After the first wedding was held at Chaa Creek way back when, word of mouth began spreading about what an incredibly romantic place the rainforest could be. And as more and more couples began looking into the romantic possibilities of the Lodge and its idyllic surroundings, it became apparent that someone needed to look after all the inquiries, arrangements and requirements that go into creating the perfect interlude.


Denise took to the job like the proverbial duck to water, and before long she and her team were busy creating magic. Where to go for that perfect picnic? What’s the best time of year to celebrate a honeymoon? How do you go about getting married in Belize? What sort of celebrants are available? Flowers? Cakes?

You get the picture. Turns out that creating the stuff of dreams is a full time job that requires not only expertise, but passion.

And from the feedback we get from the many smiling guests they have looked after, Denise and her team have those qualities in abundance.

For example, a couple contacted us about celebrating their second honeymoon. She loved horses, he had an interest in the ancient Maya civilisation of Belize. But mostly, they wanted to spend quality time together.


Denise worked with the couple to figure out their budget, how much time they had and other factors, and three weeks later that happy couple were ensconced in a private Jacuzzi suite that had been decorated in flowers with a bottle of bubbly waiting. Next day there was a horseback ride to the little Maya temple of Tunichilen that sits within Chaa Creek’s 400 acre private nature reserve where they were left alone to enjoy a picnic. The weather was perfect, the hamper packed with goodies, and from what we hear, magic happened.

The rest of their stay was filled with horseback rides through jungle trails, trips to the ancient Maya temple at nearby Xunantunich and the fascinating ancient city of Tikal in Guatemala, swimming into the Maya ceremonial cave of Actun Tunichil Muknal and hours and hours of tranquil quality time in their room, on their veranda, strolling through gardens and lounging around the pool.

“Romance + Adventure + excellent food, service, beautiful surroundings and more = one very happy couple. They couldn’t say enough about it and have made reservations to spend another family holiday with us.”

Funny enough, Denise and crew seemed almost as happy themselves. It’s great when you love your job.

So, when you read about Romantic Adventures here and ever wondered if it’s a real thing, believe us, it is.

And, if you and that special someone ever wondered if sharing an adventure together can be life changing and bring you even closer together, let us put you in touch with Denise.

We look forward to seeing your smiles!

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