Here are 6 Ways To Enjoy Preparing For A Belize Family Vacation Right Now
Having to put that family vacation on hold doesn’t mean that you can’t enjoy one of the main ingredients – and rewards – of a Belize Family Vacation
We’re talking family togetherness!
This current situation will pass, and by preparing now for when it does, you’ll not only make the best use of your time when you finally arrive in Belize, you’ll begin enjoying a Chaa Creek learning adventure together right now – in the comfort of your own home.
So, without further ado, our:
6 Steps To Prepare For A Belize Family Vacation
1. Explore
One of our favourite steps, this is the part that brings Team Adventure together. When our own family visits a new place, each one of us takes a certain topic, learns about it, and reports back to the rest of the gang during a family fun night – usually a Friday for us, but it doesn’t matter. Since there’s four of us, one member may take geography, another one, the people, another, language, and another, places to stay. Larger families or groups can expand to food, wildlife, activities, whatever.
The excitement begins!

2. Plan
This is where the family fun night really comes in. We get together with snacks, and each Explorer presents their findings. “Wow! Belize is so small we can swim in the Caribbean Sea and still spend time in the jungle!” “Did you know they have ancient Maya temples right near Chaa Creek? There’s even one in their nature reserve!”
By the end of the night, you’ll all have a better idea of all the things to see and do. And the excitement builds.

3. Learn
After planning, you’ll have a better idea of things to learn to make your vacation more fulfilling. For example, you discovered that Belize is one of the world’s top birding spots, so maybe you’ll want to learn more about Belize birds. Belize is English speaking and mostly bi-lingual. Maybe a good time to learn some Spanish you can practice while you’re there? Or maybe read up on the fascinating ancient Maya civilisation, so that exploring ancient temples and cities will be an even richer experience. The possibilities are endless. No kidding.

4. Prepare
Every family has a list-maker, and this is where they’ll shine. During another family fun night, you can identify all the things you’ll want to bring to make the most of your vacation. Belize is very casual, with great weather, so you won’t need much. But, say you decided birding will be a fun family activity. Binoculars – check. Notebooks for recording species – check. Field guide to local birds – check.
You get the idea… And you’ll not only be better prepared for fun when you’re there, you’re having fun right now!

5. Five – Outfitting (aka retail therapy)
Okay – you’ve had some fun exciting nights at home, and now it’s time for some outside buying missions. If the Coronavirus situation hasn’t eased by now, no worries – that’s what online buying is for. Whether it’s a family expedition to finally get out to the mall, or sitting around the laptop or desktop to compare prices and buy online, you’ll have a great time together because, really – who doesn’t like shopping for an adventure? This is when all that preparation where you identified what gear you’ll need comes into play. And the excitement? Priceless.

6. Itinerary
That nasty old bug has finally been vanquished, and you’re ready to put all that preparation into play. One way to start your adventure is to visit the Chaa Creek website where you’ll find heaps of good information – not only about Chaa Creek, but Belize in general. You know how much time you’ll have in this little piece of paradise, your research gives you an idea of the many things to do, the parents established a budget, and it’s time to speak with one of Chaa Creek’s Belize Vacation Planners and let them help you turn all this planning into the adventure of a lifetime.

Yes, vacation planning with local experts is another one of the complimentary services Chaa Creek offers, along with guided early morning birding walks (by now you’ve seen that we love birding in Belize. Give it a try and you’ll quickly see why), canoeing, guided visits to the onsite Belize Natural History Museum, Butterfly Breeding Farm, Maya Medicinal Plant Trail and much more.
Feeling excited now? Wait til you get here!
While the scientists are busy conquering coronavirus, you’re conquering boredom, and taking the first steps on a Belize family vacation of a lifetime.
See you soon!