Global Big Day: A Worldwide Bird Checklist, Belize

Table of Contents

  1. Birding and Eco-tourism in Belize 
  2. Global Birding Day May 13th 
  3. Birding at The Lodge at Chaa Creek 
  4. Check out Species Spotted all over Belize: 
  5. Bonus
  6. Bird with us!

Birding and Eco-tourism in Belize 

Belize offers a wealth of diversity through its historical, cultural, and ecological attributes. Located as a bridge uniting Central America and the Caribbean, this go-to destination for North Americans and Canadians invites you to discover a gem just hours away as the crow flies.

It is the ideal choice for those looking to travel with a purpose since it is known for its authentic and nature-inspired travel experiences. Its eco-tourism scene has flourished alongside its plentiful natural resources, diverse ecosystems, and countrywide efforts to embrace and commit to sustainable practices. These efforts have led to worldwide recognition and have enabled the country to house numerous feathered and furred endangered species. 

Belize Scarlet Macaw

The birding scene has thrived and only promises to get bigger as bird watchers flock to the country to observe the 600+ bird species in Belize. According to data collected by Bird Checklist of the World, of the 600 plus species, 99 are rare or accidental, and four have been introduced. 

Birding facts Belize Chaa Creek

Global Birding Day May 13th 

Because every bird counts, Global Birding Day is a huge event since, on this day, birders all over the world become part of the World’s Biggest Birding team! The “Big Day” annual celebration of birds and their importance as the ecosystem’s predators, pollinators, scavengers, seed dispersers, seed predators, and ecosystem engineers. Simply put, a world without birds would lead to significant changes in the ecosystem, including the loss of crops and trees. 

Global Big Day Birding

The Big Day runs from midnight to midnight in your local time zone, so your bird count and information entered on apps such as ebird counts will be the same regardless of where you are—at home, in a garden, in a nature reserve, or in the jungle! 

Birding at The Lodge at Chaa Creek

Tucked away in Western Belize, the Lodge at Chaa Creek has pioneered Belize’s eco-tourism scene since its humble beginnings in 1981. Its ethos has echoed in every corner of its 400 acres. 

The Lodge at Chaa creek Belize jungle eco lodge

Haven to wildlife within its reserve and accommodations represents the true meaning of wildly civilized accommodating thousands of visitors vacationing for off-the-beaten-path adventures. 

Birding Belize The Lodge at Chaa Creek

 Its “Birds Without Borders” project in the 1990s, sponsored by the Foundation for Wildlife Conservation and the Zoological Society of Milwaukee, resulted in the recording of over 300 endemic and migratory birds in the area, along with the training of local naturalist guides. 

Guided birding in Belize the Lodge at Chaa Creek

Today, the eco-resort still proudly leads the way in accommodating birders and providing itineraries with local hotspots where knowledgeable guides have recorded sightings of the feathered jewels to observe and photograph at your heart’s content. 

Check out Species Spotted all over Belize:

The Green Jay beautiful and colourful: green and yellow feathers with bold black and blue head pattern. They are found in North America, parts of Central and South America.

green jay

The Sulphur-bellied Flycatcher is found in a variety of forested habitats from Mexico to Bolivia. Its sound is remarkably similar to a squeaky toy.

Sulphur-bellied flycatcher Belize Chaa Creek

The Black-cowled Oriole is found in forest edges, plantations, and semi-open areas with tall hedges and flowering trees. In Mexico and North America, males have black heads, while females have a black face and greenish backs. However, the sexes look alike in Southern Central America. 

Black-cowled Oriole Belize Chaa Creek

The White-necked Jacobin is a rather large, spectacular hummingbird of humid tropical lowlands that favours forest edges, adjacent clearings with scattered trees and flowering bushes, and gardens.

Rufous tailed Hummingbird Belize Chaa Creek

The Keel-Billed Toucan is Belize’s National Bird. It is unmistakable, with a large, rainbow-colored bill. Interestingly, it is more often heard than seen. Its frog-like croak can be heard from a distance and is repeatedly steady. 

Keel-billed Toucan Belize Chaa Creek

The Northern Potoo is a nocturnal bird with yellow eyes and a streaked plumage. It is found in wooded and semi open habitats in tropical lowlands. This bird Roots upright on branches, where it blends in and looks like a broken tree branch.

Northern Potoo Belize Birding Chaa Creek

The Scarlet Tanager breeding males are unmistakable brilliant red and black wings and time while females and non breeding males are dull yellow-olive with dark wings. Migrants are usually found in mature woodlands.

Scarlet Tanager Belize Chaa Creek Birding

The Rufous-tailed Jacamar is a handsome, slender, green and rusty bird of humid tropical lowlands. It calls home the evergreen forest, especially around edges and adjacent clearings.

Rufous tailed Jacamar Belize Chaa Creek Birding

The Collared Trogon is a relatively small, red-bellied trogon of humid forest in tropical lowlands and foothills. It perches at all levels inside forest, less often at the edges. The male’s tail is dark below with narrow white barring while the female’s tail is pale greyish below with narrow black and white bars at the tips.

Collared Trogon Belize Birding Chaa Creek

The Bare-Throated Tiger Heron is a large but short-legged, primal looking heron of mangroves and freshwater marches in tropical lowlands. All plumages have naked yellow throat skin, greenish legs whole adults have grey cheeks, finely barred plumage and rusty thighs. Immature birds are boldly barred blackish and warm brown hence the name tiger heron.

Bared-Throated Tiger Heron Belize Chaa Creek

The Black Headed Trogon is a handsome, medium size, yellow-bellied trogon of tropical lowlands. It perches at mid-upper levels, at times with several birds in a small area. Both male and females have a complete blue-grey eye ring, and the underside of the tail is marked with big blocks of white.

Gartered Trogon Belize Chaa Creek Birding

The Common Tody-Flycatcher is a tiny somewhat warbler like flycatcher of tropical lowlands. It favours open and semi open areas with scattered trees, bushes, hedgerows and scrub.

Common Todd-Flycatcher


The Northern Emerald Toucanet is a medium size, grass green toucan of humid tropical forest in foothills and highlands. They are usually found in pairs or small groups, moving through the canopy or feeding at fruit trees.

Emerald Toucanet Belize Birding Chaa Creek

Bird with us!

Bird with us all year long, accompanied by knowledgeable Birding guides. Contact us at [email protected] to plan your vacation with these feathered beauties. 

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