Belizean Rice and Beans with Stew Chicken Recipe


This Belizean combination is without a doubt the most abundant meal in Belize. From north to south, east to west and out on the cayes, you won’t go anywhere without coming across a plate of Stew Chicken with rice and beans. With our easy to make recipe you can enjoy some Belizean flavour in the comfort of your home.

Belize Recipes: Carne asada al Chimichurri

Belize Recipes of Carne ala Chimichurri (grilled beef steak)

Unlike some places, many Belizean specialties can be found throughout the entire country. As a unique departure from some other popular destinations, many recommended “tourist restaurants” are frequented by locals, often times proving to be some of the best spots to sample Belizean cuisine.

Our Head Chef, Mario Mendez, shares with us a scrumptious CARNE ASADA AL CHIMICHURRI Recipe, which is a mix Maya, Mestizo & Mexican flavors. We trust you will enjoy this as much as we do!