By Noelle Melendrez (12 years old)
I am a proud competitive student from Garden City Primary School in Belmopan that enters every competition at my level.
I am twelve years old and about to enter high school in September. I had always been looking for a competition like this and to enter this competition is like a dream come through.
Everyday you go outside and when you look around your community you see many more things that you can do to help your environment look as clean as you. I look around my environment and say to myself ‘Had I’ve always been living in this area and not been paying much attention to it’. In my environment I sometimes see dirty parks, broken swing sets, homeless dogs and a few people asking for food. But mainly I would like to help the people who are asking for food by getting a group of kids in my area and do a walk-a-ton and fund raise money so that we can get some food for them .
I would want to become an ECO KID because I will be able to make changes in my environment and community.
I can create signs and posters with friends in the area to keep the parks and my community clean. We can do weekly or daily clean ups to keep the place clean. I think being an ECO KID is an opportunity to allow you to become famous of your initiative to the environment.
If I was to choose between being an ECO KID or to be SUPERWOMAN it would have been an ECO KID because being an eco kid would have make me a superwoman but twice the work a superwoman would have done.
I watch Disney channel and on Disney they show different families from all over the United States of America and how they help their surrounding community. For example one of the families went to the nearest beach and dug under the sand and found bottles, cans, and wood and uses them for recycling into decorations. We can also do the same thing in Belize.
Belmopan could be a better place if its residence would pay much more attention to their surrounding area. Earth is a fragile place but together we can make it sparkle if we work towards being an ECO KID.