Here’s wishing all of you out there, wherever you are, and whatever your religion or beliefs,
a very Merry Christmas.
The virtues of Faith, Hope and Charity once again come to mind this Christmas season

We’ve seen many examples of charity this year – acts of kindness and instances of people pulling together to help each other out.
We saw it all over Belize – in the north where small business owners established a free roadside pantry from which locals could take rice, beans, flour and other staples they might need – and in turn donate whatever home-grown produce they could spare – to right here in San Ignacio, where individuals and associations put together packages of food and other essentials, and delivered them to their needy neighbors.

The outpouring of generosity and kindness we’ve seen this year is something we’ll never forget.
And this gives us hope. As long as people come together when the chips are down, continue to give when they themselves have less, and look after the less fortunate in communities all over Belize and the world – hope not only exists, it grows.

Which leads us to faith. Faith in ourselves, faith in each other, and faith in a future where people of all colors and beliefs come together to share and look after each other in this beautiful, delicate world we all inhabit.

Here at Chaa Creek, this is our Merry Christmas wish to our worldwide family of friends and fellow travelers – that we’ll continue to find joy and comfort in each other and our shared humanity.
Merry Christmas Everyone!

The Fleming Family, and all of us at Chaa Creek.