Chaa Creek prepares for Maya summer solstice


The ancient Maya’s reverence for the summer solstice would have taken on even great significance during their much anticipated year of 2012, a Mayanist at The Lodge at Chaa Creek said while announcing that the Belize eco resort is keeping this centuries-old tradition alive with a week of special activities centred on the Maya Summer Solstice celebration of 20 June 2012.

Why Should You Care About the Environment?

why caring for the environment is important

Everyone in today’s world is worried about the environment. There are so many differences in opinion about what to save, what to bulldoze and what animals are becoming endangered. So how can we save ourselves from the fiery feuds and uprisings regarding this subject? Well, for starters, if there’s no environment to live in, people won’t have too much to complain about or attempt to save. .

2012 Maya Summer Vacations a “Rare Opportunity”

caracol maya temples in belize

The 2012 summer holidays present a rare opportunity to learn about ancient Maya culture and history in the Heartland of the Maya, a noted Belizean anthropologist said. The Lodge at Chaa Creek’s resident Mayanist, anthropologist Joe Awe, said 2012 is an exciting time not only for the Maya people of Belize, but for archaeologists, anthropologists, Maya healers, academics and professionals from around the world, and this created rare opportunities for tourists interested in Maya culture.

The Plumeria – one of Mother Nature’s most sublime aphrodisiacs


One can only truly enjoy the plumeria’s full splendor in person within its native habitat. In Belize one is delightfully surprised by these beautiful flowers as your senses become aware and heightened by the plumeria’s unique aroma lingering through the air within the lush green rainforest.

Photo of the Day: Kinkajou – the Honey Bear


The Kinkajou can be found in the Americas with its habitat spanning from northern Mexico to the south of Brazil, nearly half the continent. It is also commonly referred to as the Honey Bear, night walker or Potto.

The Cicada – A Symbol of Rebirth


Peter Lourie, in his book “The Mystery of the Maya: Uncovering the lost city of Palenque” mentions these creatures as well. “Hearing the roar of howlers and the whine of cicadas in the long, hot jungle afternoons in Chiapas, Mexico, is an important part of my research into the ancient Maya civilization,” he says.

Maya Masks and the Dance of the Deer


The deer dance is a Maya custom that depicts a scene from around the time of the Spanish conquest. Participants wear masks and costumes that resemble two Europeans and several animals. The dance begins as one of the Europeans sees an animal in the forest…

Chaa Creek Celebrates the Spring Equinox of 2012

dr Arvigo

This year’s Maya Spring Equinox celebrations at Chaa Creek included a riveting presentation by Dr. Rosita Arvigo on her thirteen year apprenticeship with Don Elijio Panti. Don Elijio Panti was a wise and humorous Maya healer who left an extraordinary legacy in his small village of San Antonio, the country of Belize, the Americas and even across the globe.

The first major 2012 event at Chaa Creek


“The Spring Equinox has always been a tremendously important event for the Maya of Belize, and with March 20 heralding the last Spring Equinox before the completion of one of humankind’s longest recorded cycles, the 13th Bak’tun of the Maya Long Count, the celebrations take on even greater significance,” Chaa Creek owner Lucy Fleming said as she announced the eco resort’s Spring Equinox 2012 activities today.

La Ruta Maya Promotes Competition and Conservation


The Lodge at Chaa Creek, which has been promoting environmental sustainability in Belize for over 30 years, has been a long-time supporter and enthusiastic participant in La Ruta Maya. So passionate, in fact, that owners Mick and Lucy Fleming sent a staff member to Canada to learn canoe building from Ted Moores, a master canoe builder of Bear Mountain Workshop in Ontario, and now produce their own handmade timber canoes.

From backpackers to Princes – a real rags to riches story

Mick and Lucy Fleming

Prince Harry enjoyed both his stay at The Lodge at Chaa Creek and the real life rags-to-riches story about how his fellow countrymen turned an overgrown little farm on the banks of a then remote part of Belize into a 365 acre luxury eco-resort fit for, well…

Springtime Birds and Bargains at Chaa Creek

Springtime Birds and Bargains at Chaa Creek

The April to July mating season for hundreds of bird species in lush rainforests combined with twenty per cent discounts for the entire month of May presents an extraordinary opportunity to discover the amazing bird life of Belize, Chaa Creek marketing administrator Larry Waight said today. Belize is home to one of the world’s largest and most eclectic populations of native and migratory birds, with over 308 species recorded at Chaa Creek alone.

Maya Civilization Collapsed Amidst Mild Drought, New Study Suggests

caracol maya temples in belize

For more than 500 years, the Maya kings ruled the New World’s richest and most advanced civilization. But then, around 800 C.E., the Maya empire began to collapse and its kings soon disappeared; by 1000 C.E., most of its great cities and temples lay in ruins. What happened?

Eco-friendly Ways to Travel the Globe

Chaa Creek Hiking

In our fast-paced, material-heavy modern world, it can be difficult enough at home to live sustainably: Practicing environmental and ecological ethics on the road is sometimes that much tougher. There’s less under our control; we’re often beholden to local practice and custom about which we know little; and we may, like it or not, be part of a massive tourist horde, the impacts of which are substantial.

Chaa Creek Staff Commitment – An Industry Model

Long Term Employee Awards 004

The Lodge at Chaa Creek, Belize’s foremost eco resort and, with over 135 staff members, one of the country’s largest private employers, honoured two of its team members for 20 service this week.

Tales of a Maya Shaman


On Monday, Dr. Rosita Arvigo delivered a compelling presentation to more than 25 Chaa Creek Guests on her apprenticeship with Don Elijio Panti – Belize’s last Maya Shaman.

Maya Author to Speak at Chaa Creek


The Lodge at Chaa Creek is hosting Tales of a Maya Shaman, a presentation by Dr Rosita Arvigo DN on 20 February 2012 as part of the Chaa Creek 2012 Maya lecture series.

Happy Valentine’s Day from Chaa Creek


Here in the home of Adventure Romance, the managers and staff at Chaa Creek would be seriously remiss in not wishing lovers around the world a Happy Belize St Valentine’s Day.

The White-Collared Manakin- An Amazing Dancing Bird

Belize Photo: White Collared Manakin

Today’s Belize Photo of the Day is the White-Collared Manakin and is scientifically known as Manacus candei. These compact forest birds are short-tailed, big-headed, but are quite tiny measuring to a mere 11 cm in length, and 18.5 grams in weight.

An Exciting New Chaa Creek Rainforest-to-Reef Combo

beach vacation in Belize

The Lodge at Chaa Creek is now accepting bookings for the Belize Rainforest and Barrier Reef Vacation, a new for 2012 all-inclusive vacation package that allows visitors to explore Belize’s Heartland of the Maya rainforests as well as the Belize Great Barrier Reef in one affordable holiday, according to Chaa Creek’s marketing administrator.

A unique Maya discovery at Chaa Creek


Archaeological finds are nothing new at Chaa Creek, but a new discovery this week (21 January 2012) is definitely something out of the ordinary – an ancient Maya household was accidentally unearthed in the middle of town near the eco resort’s downtown offices in San Ignacio, Belize.

Chaa Creek a Trip Advisor Top 25 for 2012


Over the years Chaa Creek has received numerous awards and accolades, and this new Trip Advisor recognition is particularly satisfying because it comes straight from international travellers themselves.

The Soursop Fruit- Possible Counteragent Against Cancer

The Soursop: Possible Ailment Against Cancer?

Today’s Belize Photo of the Day is the Soursop and is scientifically known as Annona muricata. It is a native species to Mexico, Central America, the Caribbean, Northern South America, and is recognized as Guanabana in Latin American countries. This picture was photographed at the Maya Organic Farm on a tree that could have up to forty healthy fruits at a given time.

Happy New Year from Chaa Creek

Happy New Year 2012

As with the arrival of every New Year, all of us here at Chaa Creek once again invite our many friends around the world to join us in looking forward to the future with fresh perspectives, aspirations and hope as new opportunities and challenges present themselves.