The Ultimate Bucket List For Your 2022 Belize Adventures
Never been to Belize before but want to have the ultimate experience while you’re here? Read on for the Ultimate Bucket List for your 2022 Belize Adventures!
1. Sky Dive into the Blue Hole

What’s more exhilarating than plummeting toward the Earth at about 122 miles per hour? Plummeting at that speed over one of the most astounding natural formations you’re ever going to see! Get a bird’s then, fish’s eye view of the Great Blue Hole along with some memories you won’t ever want to let go of.
2. Jump off a waterfall – Butterfly falls/Maya king falls

You might be wondering if we don’t have a dictionary definition for vertigo by now, but jumping off things is just so much fun. Case and point, diving off the side of a waterfall into the pool below. While not always a good idea, sites like Butterfly falls and Maya King falls who’s locations are secrets, offer the perfect heights from which to safely plunge into, just be sure to have a friend ready with a camera while you do that.
3. Scale Victoria Peak Or Doyles Delight
If you’ve read any of our other blogs you’ll know that scaling victoria peak is no easy feat. Despite that, however, there aren’t very many people who can boast to have conquered mountains in their days. Wouldn’t you like to be one of those mountain defeaters? We would 🙂
4. Sightsee from Baldy beacon

Baldy Beacon is a literally bald knoll in the Maya Mountain range, why is it bald, you ask? No one is properly sure at this point but we all like it that way as it is one of the best places to perch and sight see. Bird watching is also a favorite activity here as the lack of trees immediately surrounding the area peak at a lower level than what you could be looking for.
5. Jet board in Caye Caulker

Jetpacks are cool, you strap yourself in and they let you zip around in the air while you dangle from it. The problem? They don’t exactly exist. Jet boards, however, do. Jet boards let you soar into the air using a pressurized water sucked up from right under you as you’re up. Surfs up!
6. Parasail off San Pedro
If you’re not into falling, and we get that not everyone is, then try parasailing. The procedure is simple, you get strapped into a cushy harness that can be for two people, and get strapped into a big parachute and get towed around the place by a boat. This is a worry free option as you just gotta kick back for your trip then float down slowly when it’s over. The views are incredible!
7. Camp on an atoll

If you have some spare time in your schedule and some flexible dollars in your budget then try for an excursion to one of the uninhabited atolls that dot Belize’s reefs. If you’re prepared enough you can set up camp and chill there for the night! No lights and no people mean incredible views of the night sky and no need to share any of the beach space or sea breeze!
8. Swim with Whale sharks

if you’re an experienced snorkeler or scuba diver then this might be exactly for you. Whale sharks are the largest fish in the sea because whales and giant squid aren’t exactly fish. These bus-sized submarines are pretty docile and don’t pose any active threat to humans, they’re filter feeders so they wouldn’t chase after you either.
9. Try meat pies, patties, and tacos
Belize city has a long-standing rivalry between Dario’s and Pou meat pies. Our opinion? They’re both great! Dario’s has the crust on lock and Pou’s fillings are killer. Jamaican patties are a favorite treat as well, with jerk meat fillings or even curry veggies you can’t go wrong. While we’re on it for food, Tacos are unarguably the north’s greatest export. People all over Belize are in love with Tacos from Corozal but more so from Orange walk – if you’re there scratch it off your bucket list!
10. Stay in a southern fishing village
The south is generally considered the cultural epicenter of Belize. Garifuna and Creole peoples have lived in small coastline villages that have remained generally unchanged from their charming beginnings over the decades. Staying in one of these villages is one of the truest ways to get a glimpse at day to day life in Belize.
11. Have ceviche by the beach
Ceviche is a cocktail of sorts, made from diced tomatoes, onions, cilantro, and fresh lime juice that’s then mixed in with diced shrimp, octopus, conch, fish, lobster or any combination of those. It is a fresh, slaty-spicy aromatic dish that is best eaten by the beach with a cold Belikin in hand. It does wonders for hangovers and empty tummies – a must try!
12. Chill at an adventure Lodge

If you aren’t much for roaming around trying to figure it all out on your own, book a stay at an adventure lodge. There are such lodges from out on the coast to far inland, each offering up a different slice of Belizean adventure. The draw? Such resorts have a number of adventurous activities you can embark on without leaving the property and getting on it is as easy as asking any of the staff.
13. Go deep sea fishing
Do you hear the call of the ocean? Is the call of the inner reef sea too tame for you? If fishing is your thing then you haven’t truly fished if you’ve not been out past the reef. Large sport fish like wahoo and marlin thrive in the warm waters just past the reef and can you hear that? They’re teasing you – that you don’t stand a chance at catching them.
14. Fly over the mountains in a helicopter

Airplanes are cool, they’re fast and take you where you want to go quickly. Unless you have a highly specialized vertical takeoff plane, however, it’s a point a to point b kind of deal. Que the helicopters, masters at vertical climbs and staying in place. Astrum Helicopters will get you from your point A to point B and show you all the rest you want to see, so hop in and take a mountain helicopter tour!
15. Search for jaguars in Cockscomb
Before we go any further in this one, we must say that you have to be a literal expert jaguar tracker to stand a chance at finding them here. You may run across one, but ideally, you won’t. It’s exciting to find their tracks in the mud and hear their calls through the jungle as they mingle with each other and the rest of the wildlife. You will see a lot of other Belizean wildlife including peccary pigs, tapirs, and birds of paradise. The Cockscomb Basin Wildlife Sanctuary is definitely a bucket-list item.
16. Bird watch for raptors and birds of paradise
Speaking of birds of paradise, Belize is Paradise, and we have quite a few different kinds of birds, 300 to be exact. Needless to say that bird-watching is a prime activity in Belize, from rare raptors in the Mountains to seabirds and jungle ones. Take your pick and embark on finding one – you’ll see a lot more than you bargained for.
17. Learn how to make Chocolate

Did you know Chocolate was found on this side of the world? Did you know that the cacao beans were used as money by the indigenous people? Did you know Xocolatl is the original word that chocolate was derived from? No? Now that we’ve covered the basics, while you’re here you should go to the local organic chocolate factory and learn how the stuff is made. Go from raw or roasted beans to completed xocolatl drink or paste with your own two hands!
18. Learn to play Garifuna drums
We’ll admit, not everyone is an expert dancer. Even some of us here have difficulties, but that’s okay. What to do if you can’t or don’t want to dance? Learn to make the sounds that make others want to! Garifuna drum music is fast paced, rhythmic and oh so fun to learn, no musical background needed.
19. Relax at a tropical spa
So you’re in Belize and going out to do all these adventurous things, by the time you get past #10 on this list you might be tired already. What to do then? take a day to yourself and be pampered at one of the amazing tropical spas that Belize is home to. Not everything is hard in the jungle, this is one of those things that isn’t.
20. Horseback ride to a Mayan ruin

Ever wanted to feel cool like Cortes? Okay, no one should want to be like him in this day and age, but you could relive the feeling of riding your trusty steed through tropical Belize until you happen upon a large Maya temple. In the Cayo district you can do just that, and even more!
21. Learn some kriol
This one is easy, and not something you should leave Belize without. We have a blog here already so you can get yourself a bit started before you get here. By the time you leave Belize you should be able to have a full conversation in kriol, or at least understand one!
22. Learn to punta
Did number 18 make you furrow your brow and shake your head? If so then awesome, because you my friend, are someone who is determined to actually learn to Punta! You’ll have a blast learning how to Punta, and then, when you’re done and think you have it perfect – the locals will show you what real punta is. All in good fun, however.
23. Participate or follow the La Ruta Maya Belize River Challenge

The La Ruta Maya Belize River Challenge is a 4 day-long endurance race that spans the entire Belize river in much the way our Mayan ancestors would travel from the Cayo area down to the sea and north to trade. Wait, we said follow or paddle, for 4 days? Yup. Anyone who has a team and a canoe can enter the race, also anyone with a vehicle and a few friends can follow it at the different stations. It is one wild ride whichever one you choose to embark on.
24. Attend one of the seasonal festivals (or all)
We’ve told you all about our favorite festivals like Lobsterfest and Costa Maya at one point or another. On your bucket list for Belize has to be one of these, provided you’re here at the right time of year. You shouldn’t miss at least taking a peep at any one of them while you’re here. Even if crowds aren’t your thing the sights and sounds are sure to excite anyone.
Hi, do you recommend a company for the whale shark snorkeling?
Hey Ana! We recommend SPLASH BELIZE –