Eco Kids Summer Camp 2018 Day 5: Land Conservation

How often can you brag about waking up to the sounds of howler monkey’s swinging above your heads? Well… we sure can! Bright and early, before the sun could shine its yellow rays through the jungle treetops, howler screams echoed into the distance. Originating from directly above our cabins, the monkeys served as a perfect eco alarm clock.

Wondering what creative art project Ms. Lilly would have us do today, we sprang up ready to get working. Getting all our usual morning muster out of the way, we couldn’t wait to start working on our pet rocks. YES! Ms. Lilly was making us do pet rocks today. With excitement and creative juices now flowing, everyone rushed into their art boxes to find googly eyes, glitters, glue and of course colorful paint to make their rocks stand out and unique. A visit from Ms. Lucy (Our camp Mother), came with smiles and great energy during arts and craft.

Eco Kids Summer Camp 2018 day 5 arts

However, the highlight of probably everyone’s day would for sure have to be the trip to Mr. Mick’s farm to learn about land conservation. Hopping onto ATV’s, which was an adventure on its own, we made our way down to Maya Farm. It’s amazing to see how much recycled leaves or “waste” material can be used as compost. Everyone got a chance to touch, feel and of course smell the natural compost, a real hand on experience (literally). We even got a chance to see excavators at work creating drainage for the farm.

eco kids summer camp day 5 conservation mr Mick

After a quick hop in Mr. Dosio’s pickup this time, we made our way back to the Lodge for lunch. With the smell of orange chicken flowing out of the kitchen doors, all hungry eyes were glued to the waiters as they began passing out plates. Name a better combo other than orange chicken and mashed potato, go ahead, I’ll wait ha-ha.

eco kids summer camp 2018 day 5 farm day

Sadly, as the days are slowly winding down, today was the last horseback riding day. Once again, splitting into two groups, one headed to the crystal clear blue waters of Ms. Lucy’s pool while the other saddled up preparing for their final ride through Chaa Creek’s jungle trails. Understandably nervous, first time riders had their ears perched listening to every single instruction given out by the guides. You’d be happy to know that the ride went just as smooth as the others before, but of course, I’m using the word smooth figuratively because anyone who’s been horseback riding knows that it’s pretty bumpy.

eco kids summer camp 2018 day 5 horseback riding

Arriving back at camp, the usual echoes of laughter were missing. Normally this would be concerning, but you’d be happy to know that everyone was too busy quietly planning for the talent show. Excitement could be seen from each group as they all tried to come up with the best, original and entertaining skit and song. Fully knowing that a treasure chest of prizes was up for grabs, each team was out to win.

Normally, after dark we’d have some fun camp fire games, however, today was a bit different. Stepping into the dining hall one by one, everyone slowly noticed the single table in the middle with 2 slices of watermelon. This, of course, could only mean one thing…WATERMELON EATING CONTEST! With watermelon flying from left to right because of vicious eating, no one was safe.

Check in tomorrow for day 6 as we explore Solid Waste Management & Sustainability with Friends for Conservation and Development (FCD).

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