David Meerman Scott’s Belize Masterclass Levels the Field

david meerman scott

This visit and the Masterclass shows how dramatically new media and social networking has changed the face of communications and global marketing. Just a few years ago, Belize would not be attracting speakers of Mr Meerman Scott’s calibre. We simply wouldn’t have had the budget or the reach to attract the attention of people like him.

Chaa Creek Salutes Belize’s National Celebrations Theme

“It’s a wonderful theme that perfectly encapsulates what Belize is all about, and we wanted to take the time out to thank Emogen for condensing what’s so great about Belize into one theme. We also want to congratulate her for winning the nationwide competition to find that perfect theme,” Mrs Fleming said.

The Moroton Community Committee Installs 6 Beautiful Chairs at the San Ignacio Macal River Park


The Macal River Park is situated behind the Chaa Creek Business Office in San Ignacio Town and is a relaxing and serene park to read a book, have an interesting conversation or a nice picnic with friends. This weekend the Moroton Community Outreach Committee headed by Mick Fleming, Co-founder of Chaa Creek installed 6 comfortable and cozy chairs that were built at the Chaa Creek Wood Workshop.

Belize Celebration Season Begins Early for 2012

all-inclusive Belize vacation packages, Belize Celebration Season, Belize Eco Resort, Belize Independence Day, Hol Chan Marine Reserve in Belize, Sustainable Tourism in Belize, World heritage-listed Belize Great Barrier Reef


UFO filmed and caught on tape while we were flying over The Great Blue Hole, off the coast of Belize, near Belize City. The Great Blue Hole is a large submarine sinkhole off the coast of Belize. It lies near the center of Lighthouse Reef, a small atoll 70 km (43 mi) from the mainland and Belize City. The hole is circular in shape, over 300 m (984 ft) across and 124 m (407 ft) deep.

3 Reasons to Skip the Wild Spring Break Trip and Volunteer in Belize Instead

Different Faces

Despite the fact that Belize is incredibly ethnically diverse—home to many different peoples and languages—they all seem to share a common respect for the human condition and for the environment. One of my Belizean friends told me a story in which he once caught a wild baby bird when he was a little boy and kept it in his room in a shoebox. When his mother found out, she forced him to release the bird and then locked him in his room for a day. The lesson?

Chaa Creek Announces 2012 Scholarship Winners


The Academic Scholarship Program provides financial assistance to students striving to excel at various levels of education, including high school, colleges and university. The rigorous scholarships selection process is based on academic performance and financial need, and each year assists ten Belizeans who show both academic promise and a desire to further their educational goals.

Seductive Honeymoon Specials for Belize’s Summer of Love

“This summer Chaa Creek is celebrating the wonderful power of love, and who better to join us in this beautiful romantic rainforest setting than honeymooners? Honeymooners have that special happy glow, and we love having them around so much that we’re enticing them with some extra tender loving care and pretty amazing discounts,” he said.

The Ultimate Survival Guide to Long Bus Rides


Whatever you do, don’t drink alcohol the day before or day of the bus ride. This is a big no-no and I’ve learned this lesson the hard way. Why you ask? Generally, when you drink alcohol… at a later point, you’ll want to drink water and copious amounts of it. It might not seem like that big of a deal until you realize you’ve been guzzling water and the bus doesn’t appear to be stopping for a toilet break. Fast forward three hours and you’re about ready to turn your empty water bottle into a makeshift bathroom. Not fun.

7 Surprising Tips for Staying Healthy On the Road


As an avid traveler I know a LOT of simple tricks anyone can use to stay healthy on the road. In fact, I’ve survived South East Asia, India, South America, U.S. and Canada and have never had any stomach problems.

Belize voted among world’s best destinations by Travel and Leisure readers

Travel and Leisure is one of the world’s most recognized magazines. Published 12 times a year, the publication has just shy of five million readers. As for the World’s Best Awards, every August since 1995, these awards have been determined by an annual reader survey which asks travelers and travel providers to rate destinations, hotels, airlines, cruise lines, river cruises, and car-rental companies.

Actress and Ocean Activist Kate Walsh, Visits Belize to Raise Awareness on Belize’s Sea Heritage


On Saturday June 9, Kate visited Hol Chan Marine Reserve, Belize’s oldest marine reserve and Shark Ray Alley, where she snorkeled and experienced firsthand, why they remain a major visitor’s attraction. At both sites she was photographed and filmed by renown Belizean photographer — Tony Rath. Through her visit, Ms. Walsh not only gained direct experience with Belize’s diverse reef environment, but she learned about how essential reserves are to the sustainability of Belize’s marine waters, food security and economy.

It’s A Jungle Out There At The Belize Zoo

When the Belize Tourst Board offered me a press trip to Belize. I jumped at the opportunity. When they told me that upon arrival I would be whisked off to the Belize Zoo, I was skeptical if this first stop would be worth a visit. My feeling is that zoos are mostly depressing places. I figured that there would be imported Lions, Tigers, and Giraffes. I could not have been more wrong.

Chaa Creek Celebrates Everest Victory with Super Tuesday

Orchard Villa

The Lodge at Chaa Creek is celebrating Edmund Hillary and Tensing Norgay’s Mount Everest victory of May 29, 1953 with another Super Tuesday, giving vigilant travellers an opportunity to experience Belize rainforest luxury at budget accommodation prices, marketing administrator Larry Waight announced today.

Shifting trade routes may have led to Maya decline

altun-ha in belize

The researchers found that prior to the fall of the Maya inland centers, obsidian tended to flow along inland riverine networks. But over time, this material began to be transported through coastal trade networks instead, with a corresponding increase in coastal centers’ prominence as inland centers declined.

Tips for avoiding jet lag on long haul flights

tips to avoid jetlag

Most travellers will want to make the most of their limited time on holiday and see as much of their holiday destination as possible. Unfortunately most travellers will also fail to take into account the effect the leap in time zones will have on the body.

Another Chaa Creek Super Tuesday Announced

Exterior photo

Response to The Lodge at Chaa Creek’s surprise Super Tuesday discounts has prompted Belize’s premier eco resort to offer a repeat performance this coming Tuesday, 22 May 2012.

Belize: Mother Nature’s Best Kept Secret

Belize is a rewarding, authentic destination for travelers in search of unique, intimate experiences in a Caribbean/Central American getaway. A Belize vacation will stir your soul, expand your mind and change your life.

The Eco Kids Rainforest Adventure Continues…

Chaa Creek has had a rich past as an ancient, bustling ancient Maya community and trade centre, as a vibrant part of the early British Honduras chicle and logging industry and as one of the many farms supplying San Ignacio town before becoming home to Belize’s first eco-resort. As part of our commitment to Green sustainability, all of us at Chaa Creek are continually promoting greater environmental awareness and respect for the things that make Belize so special.

Chaa Creek prepares for Maya summer solstice


The ancient Maya’s reverence for the summer solstice would have taken on even great significance during their much anticipated year of 2012, a Mayanist at The Lodge at Chaa Creek said while announcing that the Belize eco resort is keeping this centuries-old tradition alive with a week of special activities centred on the Maya Summer Solstice celebration of 20 June 2012.

2012 Maya Summer Vacations a “Rare Opportunity”

caracol maya temples in belize

The 2012 summer holidays present a rare opportunity to learn about ancient Maya culture and history in the Heartland of the Maya, a noted Belizean anthropologist said. The Lodge at Chaa Creek’s resident Mayanist, anthropologist Joe Awe, said 2012 is an exciting time not only for the Maya people of Belize, but for archaeologists, anthropologists, Maya healers, academics and professionals from around the world, and this created rare opportunities for tourists interested in Maya culture.

The first major 2012 event at Chaa Creek


“The Spring Equinox has always been a tremendously important event for the Maya of Belize, and with March 20 heralding the last Spring Equinox before the completion of one of humankind’s longest recorded cycles, the 13th Bak’tun of the Maya Long Count, the celebrations take on even greater significance,” Chaa Creek owner Lucy Fleming said as she announced the eco resort’s Spring Equinox 2012 activities today.

Fox News picks Belize as tourism hotspot


A recent Fox News television broadcast highlighting Belize as one of a few selected international tourism hotspots shows that North Americans needn’t travel far to visit one of the world’s best vacation destinations, according to The Lodge at Chaa Creek’s Larry Waight.

“Only in Belize” The La Ruta Maya Race 2012


The 15th annual La Ruta Maya River Challenge, held between the 9th and 12th of March and one of the world’s longest canoe races, replicates an ancient Maya river trade network through the rainforests of Belize to the Caribbean seacoast and is capturing a larger audience this year due to global interest in the 2012 Maya “prophecies”, according to one long time participant.

La Ruta Maya Promotes Competition and Conservation


The Lodge at Chaa Creek, which has been promoting environmental sustainability in Belize for over 30 years, has been a long-time supporter and enthusiastic participant in La Ruta Maya. So passionate, in fact, that owners Mick and Lucy Fleming sent a staff member to Canada to learn canoe building from Ted Moores, a master canoe builder of Bear Mountain Workshop in Ontario, and now produce their own handmade timber canoes.

Royal christening in Belize – a beer bottle and a canoe


Queen Elizabeth II christened the QE2 in 1967 with a bottle of champagne. When Prince Harry christened the Jubilee last week, named in honour of his grandmother’s Diamond Jubilee, or 60th anniversary of occupying the throne, he used a bottle of beer, according to the canoe’s builder, Chaa Creek owner Mick Fleming.

From backpackers to Princes – a real rags to riches story

Mick and Lucy Fleming

Prince Harry enjoyed both his stay at The Lodge at Chaa Creek and the real life rags-to-riches story about how his fellow countrymen turned an overgrown little farm on the banks of a then remote part of Belize into a 365 acre luxury eco-resort fit for, well…